Join HSNZ’s consulting team as they discuss all things culture and leadership in this series of video micro shares.
How to create a better culture with Darren Levy
Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Darren Levy shares five key areas that all teams and leaders should focus on to create a better culture.
What does the future of Leadership look like in New Zealand? with Darren Levy
Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Darren Levy discusses the future of Leadership in New Zealand and four key areas to focus on to be prepared Darren also discuss the skills and attributes that will be most sought after.
What role will AI have in culture and leadership? with Darren Levy
Artificial intelligence and culture and leadership is a interesting and emerging field of thinking. Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Darren Levy discusses the role that AI will have in culture and leadership in the future and also how Human Synergistics is using this in the work they do.
Realising your potential and building your career with Justine Farrington
Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Justine Farrington shares insight into unlocking your potential both as an individual but also as teams so to be more effective at work but also outside of work.
How does culture impact the customer experience with your organisation? with Justine Farrington
Have you ever wondered what your customers really think of you? Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Justine Farrington shares insight the impact that culture has on customer experience and what you can do to create a constructive culture and constructive service to customers.
Building capability in your team with Carina Hull
Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Carina Hull discusses building capability in your team and key areas to focus on to get the most out of your team.
Leadership and Career Development with Carina Hull
Human Synergistics Senior Consultant Carina Hull discusses building your career and the practical things you can work on to achieve the results you want personally and professionally.
HSNZ App with Neil McGregor
An introduction of the HSNZ App, the latest tool in your coaching toolkit Lead Consultant shares an overview of the app and how this is used to support you as a coach in LSI and OCI.
High Performing Teams with Neil McGregor
Human Synergistics Lead Consultant Neil McGregor discusses how to develop a high performing team and how the high performing teams framework can help your team to be effective.