Our Change Solutions

Change Solutions

We’re here to help you to achieve genuine change and unlock growth at any level of your organisation.
Whether you’re looking for external support to guide your strategy or have the capability in-house, our worldclass
consultants can support you along the way.

Leadership Development

Leaders both directly and indirectly influence their organisations’ culture’s. Their direct influence lies in their own thinking and behavioural styles, their approaches to leading and managing others, the impacts they have on those they lead and manage and the application of certain skills.
Their indirect influence lies in the decisions they make about structures, systems, technologies and communication processes to facilitate performance throughout the organisations. Our consultants are experts in helping your leaders identify development needs and strategies for improvement. We support you to develop and deliver a complete leadership development program, from CEO to front-line leader level.

Group and Team Development

Teams working with synergy will often achieve more as a group than would be
possible on their own. Teams work best when team members use constructive task and interpersonal skills and proven problem-solving processes. Our consultants are experts in facilitating team discussions, allowing the leader to participate as a member of the team, with the facilitator managing the process.
We help groups to apply proven problem-solving processes to improve decision-making effectiveness. This enables us to build a team culture that encourages and supports excellence.

Organisational Development

An organisation’s culture sets the context for everything else. Our consultants are experts in measuring your organisation’s culture and identify what is causing it to be as it is and the outcomes associated with that culture at the individual, group and organisational levels. We help you develop business models, organisational structures, reinforcement systems, job design, communication processes and leadership capabilities that build a Constructive culture. Our team then support managing the process of organisational change in ways that maximise the acceptance of change and the effectiveness of implementation.

Reinventing Culture

David La Rose believes strongly that leadership and culture shape performance. He shares how this belief has shaped the IBM journey in taking their culture to the next level.

Working Teams

Corrine Canter discusses how the right conversations build trust and clarity. It invites sincerity, plain speaking and offers a real connection to promote team performance.

Catching Waves

Corrine Canter and Rob Phipps share lessons learnt from a combined five decades of experience in getting culture right. Chhose your wave, read the conditions, paddle out.

Want to achieve genuine change & unlock growth within your business?

Contact Human Synergistics to find out how we can help you today!
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